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Sunday School 主日學

不公開·14 位會員


Sunday School is a church ministry designed for children (Age 5 to 12; K-Gr5) to learn age appropriately about God, to experience God through worship and teaching of His Word.

Our Mission

See to it that every child becomes a disciple of Jesus.

Our Vision

To achieve our mission, HOP Children’s Ministry is dedicated to creating engaging age-appropriate activities. We strive to partner with and equip parents, fostering an environment where children at HOP can mature in Christ, discover, develop, and utilize their gifts for the glory of God, and pursue a God-centered life.

Our Goals

  • G: Gospel (Teach them to know, to live, and to share the Gospel of Jesus)

  • R: Redeemed (Encourage them to trust in the word and promises of God)

  • A: Abide (Cultivate in them a love for God and His Word, a devotional lifestyle)

  • C: Compassion (Demonstrate for them a genuine concern and sensitivity for others)

  • E: Evangelize (Challenge them to participate in the work of God around the world)

  • D: Discipleship (Develop a biblical mindset and Christian worldview)

HOP 使命

HOP 是基督門徒組成的家庭,以上帝的愛和喜悅來進行敬拜、外展和身心靈的醫治。

HOP 願景 為了實踐HOP的使命,旨在成為一個充滿活力和創造力的團體,因主耶穌基督的恩典來包容、授能、連結及啟發世人的盼望。 讚美之家主日學的使命



為了實現我們的使命,HOP主日學事工 致力於創造有吸引力的並適合年齡的活動。 我們努力與家長合作並裝備他們,創造一個使 HOP 的孩子能夠在基督裡成熟的環境,​​使得他們發現、發展和利用他們的恩賜來榮耀上帝,並追求以上帝為中心的生活。


  • G:福音(教導他們認識、活出並分享耶穌的福音)

  • R:救贖(鼓勵他們相信神的話語和應許)

  • A:遵守(培養他們對上帝和祂的話語的熱愛,一種虔誠的生活方式)

  • C:同情(向他們展示對他人的真正關心和同理心)

  • E:傳福音(挑戰他們參與上帝在世界各地的動工)

  • D:門徒訓練(培養聖經思維與基督教世界觀)


Be respectful of others’ privacy

Being in this group depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said and shared (media) in the group should stay in the group.

Respect one another

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.


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  • 2024年1月22日


  • House of Praise
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