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HOP Small Groups

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Testimony Sunday

December 29, 2024

Testimony Sunday

House of Praise

1. How have people helped you to grow in your faith this past year?


2. Where do you see God in the small, everyday moments of your life? How can we cultivate an awareness of His presence?

Appreciation & Worship

December 22, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Appreciation & Worship

Hebrews 4:6-11, Romas 14:5-9

Series: Life & Lifestyle, Kingdom Principles -Series

1. From the sermon, how would you explain the relationship between rest (Sabbath) and worship?

Simplicity of Obedience

December 15, 2024

Speaker Lovely Alagata

Simplicity of Obedience

Psalm 23:1-3

Series: Life Series

1. What imagery does the phrase "The LORD is my  Shepherd" create, and how does this image portray God's relationship with us as believers? 

Kingdom Principles

December 8, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Kingdom Principles

Genesis 2:1-3 & Psalm 95:10-11

Series: Life & Lifestyle

1. What is the significance of God resting on the seventh day? And how does this apply to your life?

Instruction & Bible Reading

December 1, 2024

Pastor James Yu 

Instruction & Bible Reading

II Timothy 3: 1-9 & 10-17

Series: Life & Lifestyle

1. What persecutions and sufferings does Paul mention, and what role do they play in his life?

Freedom and Choice

November 24, 2024

Pastor James Yu 

Freedom and Choice

Galatians 5:1

Series: Principles of Faith

Galatians 5:1 :

Fruit-full Faith-filled Stewardship

November 17, 2024

Speaker Lovely Alagata 

Fruit-full Faith-filled Stewardship

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Series: Life Series

1. What do the different types of soil represent in this parable, and why do you think Jesus used this imagery to describe people’s responses to the gospel?

Trust and Confidence

November 10, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Trust and Confidence 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Philippians 4:13

Series: Principles of Faith

Risk and opportunity 

November 3, 2024

James Yu

Risk and opportunity 

Matthew 14:22-33

Series: Principles of Faith

1:Jesus said we would have trouble in this world. How has God “rocked your boat” recently?

October 27, 2024 Worship and Testimony 敬拜與見證

Speaker 1: 講員1

1. If you were to chart your life like the speaker, what would you consider to be the best period of your life thus far?

1. 如果您像演講者一樣描繪您的一生,您認為迄今為止您一生中最美好的時期是什麼?

2. Has God ever saved you from acting badly or foolishly? Give some examples.

2. 神是否曾經拯救過您,讓您免於做出壞事或愚蠢的事?舉一些例子。

October 20, 2024 Dr. Frank Dennis 潭醫師 Working together with God 與神同工

2 Cor. 6:1 哥後 6:1

1. In your opinion, is there anything better than believing in Christ?

1. 在您看來,還有什麼比相信基督更好的事嗎?

2. Have you experienced God working in bringing things about through a series of ‘coincidences’?


October 13, 2024 Pastor James Yu Resources & Talents 資源與才能 Matthew 25:14-30

1. What talents do you feel you have been given? How can you ensure that you are investing your “talents” in a way that honors God?

1. 您覺得自己被賦予了哪些才能?您如何確保您以榮耀上帝的方式投資您的「才能」?

2. What are some “what if’s” that are stopping you from “taking a chance” when an opportunity presents itself?

2. 當機會出現時,哪些「假設」會阻止您「抓住機會」?

3. How can you take a step of obedience towards investing your time, talents, and resources for eternal purposes?

October 6, 2024 Gathering and Regathering

聚集,再聚集 Acts 2:42-48 and 18:1-4


Roy Tinklenberg

1. In what ways can worship be more integrated into our community life/work life today?

1. 敬拜可以透過什麼方式更融入我們今天的社區生活/工作生活?

September 29, 2024 Lessons Along the Way

道路上的課題 John 14:1-6 約翰福音14:1-6

Speaker: Tim Gillette

1. Walking the Camino helped Tim see Jesus as the Way! What is Jesus trying to teach you about the importance of faith, as you walk each day?

1. 走Camino幫助Tim看到耶穌是道路!當您每天行走這個道路時,耶穌試圖教導您什麼關於信心的重要性?

2. What are some ways we can build up trust in God?

September 22, 2024 Stewardship Principles Series

管家觀系列 Tithes & Giving 十一與奉獻

2 Cor. 9:9-11 哥後9:9-11

Pastor James Yu

1. What does the Bible say about tithing, and how does it shape your beliefs about giving?

1. 聖經對什一奉獻有什麼看法?

September 15, 2024 Kingdom Matters 國度觀

Matthew 6:25-34 馬太福音 6:25-34

1. What do you think are some of the side effects of worrying?

1. 您認為擔憂會帶來哪些副作用?

2. Worry reveals something about our hearts. When you worry and become anxious, where are you placing your trust?

2.憂慮揭示了我們內心的一些事。 當您擔心、焦慮時,您把信任寄託在哪裡?

Sept 9th, 2024 "Kingdom Perspective-Stewardship" 國度觀-管家觀 Luke 12:13-34 路加福音 12:13–34

1. According to Luke 12:13-15, how does a desire for more possessions reveal the condition of our hearts, and what impact does this have on our relationships and stewardship?

1. 根據路加福音 12:13-15,對更多擁有的渴望如何揭示我們內心的狀況,以及影響我們的人際關係和管理事物的方式?

2. How does the perspective of work in Luke 12:16-19 (where it’s seen as a means to secure a comfortable future) differ from the view in Luke 12:20-21 (where work is meant to honor

God and bless others)?

2. 路加福音 12:16-19 中的工作觀(工作被視為確保舒適未來的一種手段)與路加福音 12:20-21 中的觀點(工作是為了榮耀上帝並造福於他人) 有所不同?

September 1, 2024 Pastor James Yu

The Earth Is His Domain 地是祂的領域, Ephesians 6:12 以弗所書 6:12

1. How can we recognize and navigate the differences between the natural challenges we face daily (like work stress or relationship issues) and the spiritual aspects of our lives (such as seeking guidance through prayer)?

1. 我們如何認知和應對日常面臨自然界的挑戰(如工作壓力或人際關係問題)與生活中屬靈方面(如透過祈禱尋求指導)之間的差異?

2. In what ways can expanding the circle of our influence within our own communities or workplaces affect our circle of concern?

2. 我們可以透過哪些方式擴大自己在社區或工作場所中的影響圈來影響我們的關注圈?

August 9th, 2024 Not What You Think 上帝想的跟你不一樣 2 Kings 5:1-16 列王記下 5:1-16, Guest Speaker Benjamin Chen

1. How has God revealed His greatness to you in moments when you've felt small or inadequate?

1. 當您感到自己渺小或不足時,神如何向您顯明祂的偉大?

2. When Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan River to be healed, it seemed illogical and beneath him. In what ways has God called you to be obedient in ways that didn’t initially make sense to you? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

2. 當乃縵被告知去約旦河沐浴才能痊癒時,這似乎不合邏輯,也讓您覺得不合常理。神以哪些方式呼召你順服,而您一開始並沒有意識到這一點?您如何回應,結果如何?

3. Naaman’s pride almost kept him from receiving God’s healing. How does this story challenge you to examine areas of pride in your life that may be hindering your relationship with God? What steps can you take to humble yourself and be more receptive to God’s guidance?

June 23, 2024 Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為

The Full Armor of God 神的全副武裝

Ephesians 6:10-18 以弗所書 6:10-18

1. Name all the pieces of the armor of God. What is the function of each piece? Share an experience you have had in using one of the pieces.

說出上帝全副軍裝的每個武裝名稱。 每一個武裝的作用是什麼?分享您應用其中一個武裝的經驗。

2. Against what does the armor of God protect us from? How can you actively “put on the armor of God” in order to go to war against Satan? How do you use the armor to face the daily challenges in your life ?

June 16, 2024 Follow me! 跟從我!John 21:18-25 約翰福音 21:18-25

1: Why did Jesus tell Peter about the future that was awaiting him?


2: Why is suffering and persecution part of the Christian life? Why is the world hostile to followers of Jesus today?


3: What are some reasons that comparison can hinder or rob us of our joy in Christ? 

June 9, 2024 Do you love me? 你愛我嗎?

John 約翰福音 21:15-17

1. What’s the significance of asking Peter 3 times, “Do you love me?”? How can you apply this into your life and current situation?


2. If Jesus asked you today, “Do you love (philia) me?”, what would your answer be?


June 2. 2024 Friends, Haven’t You Any Fish? 小子,你們要吃的沒有?John 21:1-14 約翰福音21:1-14

1: When people feel lost and are faced with uncertainties, they often go back to something familiar. Have you ever done this?


2: Life can be unfruitful without the Lord’s help. How does the miraculous catch of fish illustrate Jesus’ power? How often do you rely on your own strength to achieve something? What was the result?


3: How do you feel about Jesus' question, “You do not have any fish, do you?” Have you ever experienced a time when Jesus have asked you something that might seem very obvious?

May 26, 2024 Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為

Rom 8:26-27 羅馬書8:26-27; John 14:26 約翰福音14:26; Ephesians 6:10-18 以弗所書6:10-18

1. How has the Holy Spirit helped you?


2. How do you understand the role of the Holy Spirit as explained in John 14:26?

您如何理解約翰福音 14:26 所解釋的聖靈的角色?

May 19, 2024 “Blessed are those who have not seen”「那沒有看見就信的有福了」John 20:24-31 約翰福音20:24-31

1. Why do you think Thomas doubted that the other disciples saw Jesus? What does this story teach us about faith and doubt?

您認為多馬為何懷疑其他門徒是否見過耶穌? 關於信仰和懷疑,這個故事告訴我們什麼?

2. How can you relate to Thomas' need for tangible proof in your own faith journey? What steps can you take when you have a “Thomas moment”?

你如何理解多馬在您自己的信仰旅程中需要實際證據的需要? 當您遇到「多馬時刻」時,你可以採取哪些步驟?

3. Many churches use the term “blessed” a lot. What does it mean? Please share some of the ways God has blessed you.

May 12,2024 Mother’s Day 母親節 Exodus 2:1-10 出埃及記2:1-10

1: What did the mother of Moses do to circumvent Pharaoh’s command? How did this action speak to you about destiny?


2: The sister of Moses followed Moses at a distance and at the right time spoke up! Through this, God provided! How has God brought this kind of situations in your life?


3: Why did the daughter of Pharaoh choose to save Moses?

May 5, 2024 HOP Retreat 退休會

John 20:10-23 Receive the Holy Spirit 領受聖靈

1: What are some of the things we try to do to have peace?


2: How is Jesus’ peace different from the world’s peace?


April 28, 2024 HOP Testimony Sunday

Everyday is Mission Impossible 每天都是不可能的任務

1. How has God helped you to do your job well? How has God helped you so that you can help others?


2. How has the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 been able to carry you through any impossible situations?

馬太福音 6 章的主禱文如何能帶領您度過任何不可能的情況?

April 21, 2024 : Acts of the Holy Spirit - The Gifts 聖靈的作為 - 恩賜

I Cor. 12:8-10 哥林多前12:8-10; Romans 12:3-8 羅馬書 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:11-13 以弗所書4:11-13

1: Since this past Sunday, have you experienced the Holy Spirit, and how did this affect you, your family and friends?


2: What are the spiritual gifts? How do you see the different spiritual gifts functioning/being used in our church?


April 14, 2024 Woman, why are you crying?

婦人,妳為什麼哭?John 20: 11-18; Matthew 6: 19-34

約翰福音 20:11-18; 馬太福音 6:19-34

1. Mary Magdalena did not run away at the sight of two angels in the tomb! What would have been your reaction if you saw this?


2. What “emptiness/ regrets” do you have in your heart? What past memories do you keep looking at that prevent you from having the correct focus?

April 7, 2024 Children’s Day

2024 年 4 月 7 日 兒童節

Mark 10: 13-16, John 3: 16-17, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 馬可福音 10:13-16, 約翰福音 3:16-17, 哥林多前書 13:4-7

1. Mark 10:16 says, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” How can we, as grown-ups, maintain our belief in God like a child?

1. 馬可福音10:16說:“我實在告訴你們,凡不像小孩子一樣接受神的國,斷不能進去。”身為成年人,我們怎樣才能像孩子一樣保持對神的信仰呢?

2. In Mark 10: 13-16, Jesus laid His hand on the children. What is the significance of this?

March 31, 2024 Resurrection Sunday 復活主日

The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus 耶穌的埋葬與復活 John 約翰福音19:38-20:10

1: Why did Nicodemus and Joseph treat the body of Jesus like he was a king?


2: What motivated Nicodemus to be so extravagant and generous?


Sunday March 24, 2024

The Trial 審判 John 約翰福音18:15-40

1: What do you think Simon Peter was considering the second time he denied to be a disciple of Jesus?


2: How have prejudices affected your view of people?


March 17, 2024 Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為 - Fruit of the Spirit 聖靈的果子

John 15: 1-8 約翰福音 15:1-8

II Peter 1: 3-9 彼得後書 1:3-9

Galatians 5: 22-25 加拉太書 5:22-25

1: Can the Holy Spirit regenerate a person? What was your salvation experience?


Sunday Service 主日聚會 March 10, 2024

The Arrest of Jesus 耶穌被捕

John 18: 1-14 約翰福音 18:1-14

1. Have you ever faced an insurmountable number of ‘attacks’ like Jesus in John 18:1-14, when Roman cohort, commanders and officers of the Jews came to arrest Him?

1. 您是否曾面臨過像 約翰福音 18:1-14 中羅馬軍隊、猶太人的指揮官和軍官來逮捕耶穌,如此難以克服的“攻擊”呢?

2. Simon Peter defended Jesus and cut off a servant’s ear! How did Jesus react to this and why?

12. März 2024

A Roman cohort is a big Group of heavily armed soldiers. 600 soldiers in total. Torben

2024-03-03 Prayer for the disciples, Part three. John 17:20-26

1: Who is Jesus praying for? 耶穌為誰禱告?

2: How would you help a Pre-Disciple to become a Disciple? 您如何幫助前門徒成為門徒?

3: Why is unity so important? 為什麼合一如此重要?

4: How can you strengthen unity within your family, at your work place, and in all your relationships? 您如何在家庭、工作場所和所有人際關係中加強合一?

5: Pastor James mentioned two phrases: unity versus uniformity and agree to disagree! How can these be applied in your life? 俞牧師提到了兩句話:合一與統一以及求同存異!這些概念如何應用在您的生活中?

HOP 週日禮拜 2024 年 2 月 25 日 約翰福音 17:1-26

HOP Sunday Service February 25, 2024 John 17: 1-26

1: Based on Sunday’s learning buddy discussion, who is the healthiest person you know? 根據週日的學習夥伴討論,您認識的最健康的人是誰?

2: Jesus’ greatest desire is to glorify the Father! Is this also your desire and how have you lived this out? 耶穌最大的願望就是榮耀天父!這也是您的願望嗎?您是如何實現的?

3: Have you ever gone through a difficult situation yet felt joy? Share your experience! 您有沒有經歷過困難卻又感到快樂的經驗?分享您的經驗。

4: What’s the importance of God’s word and truth? 神的話和真理的重要性是什麼?

Jesus prays for His disciples 1/3 - John 17:6-12


1. What was the main thrust of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:6-12? 約翰福音 17:6-12 中耶穌禱告的主旨是什麼?

2. How does your sense of identity and belongingness affect your values? Or change your daily life? 您的認同感和歸屬感如何影響您的價值觀?或改變您的日常生活?

3. What is Jesus’ main concern after He leaves this world? 耶穌離開這個世界後最關心的是什麼?

4. What does this passage reveal about all that Jesus does for God’s people? 關於耶穌為上帝子民所做的一切,這段經文揭示了什麼?

Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為 [2024-02-04]

1: What other names does the Holy Spirit have? Why do you think He has so many different names?

1: 聖靈還有什麼名字?您認為祂為什麼有這麼多不同的名字?

2: In what ways does the Helper work with us in our daily life?


3: When did the Helper start His work? What did the Helper do at that time?

Worship & Testimonies


Based on this past Sunday’s testimonies, here are some questions for small group discussion :

1: One person mentioned that he/she had prayed for the relief of his/her skin condition but no answer came, until at the most unlikely place and unlikely time. When have you experienced something similar in your prayer life?

2: Another shared the verse Jeremiah 29:11, how has this verse been true in your life ?

”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“

Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為 - Lovely A.


1. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and He is here with all believers. Where does He live and what is His purpose? 耶穌差遣聖靈,祂與所有信徒同在。他住在哪裡,他的目的是什麼?

2. What are the acts of the Holy Spirit when we pray? 當我們禱告時,聖靈有什麼作為?

3. Throughout the Bible, in what ways (forms) has the Holy Spirit revealed Himself? 在整本聖經中,聖靈以什麼方式(形式)顯明自己?

4. According to Jesus, what will happen when the Holy Spirit comes upon His people (See Acts 1:8)? 根據耶穌的說法,當聖靈降臨在祂的子民身上時會發生什麼事(參考使徒行傳 1:8)?

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