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HOP Small Groups

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March 17, 2024 Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為 - Fruit of the Spirit 聖靈的果子

John 15: 1-8 約翰福音 15:1-8

II Peter 1: 3-9 彼得後書 1:3-9

Galatians 5: 22-25 加拉太書 5:22-25

1: Can the Holy Spirit regenerate a person? What was your salvation experience?


2: In what ways do you feel the Holy Spirit is working in your life? Can you describe a few situations?


3: In what ways should you plan your day so that there is time to connect with God?


4: Have you asked God to help a nonbeliever see Christ through the fruit that is being cultivated in your life? How did God answer your prayer ?


5: Which of the fruit listed is the most difficult for you to bear much fruit?


If time permits, discuss why you think bearing much fruit would glorify the Father and proof to be the disciples of Jesus? Consider the growth of the body of believers in Acts!


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