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Simplicity of Obedience

December 15, 2024

Speaker Lovely Alagata

Simplicity of Obedience

Psalm 23:1-3

Series: Life Series

1. What imagery does the phrase "The LORD is my  Shepherd" create, and how does this image portray God's relationship with us as believers? 

「耶和華是我的牧者」這句話創造了什麼樣的意象? 身為基督徒,這個意象又如何描述著我們與上帝的關係?

2. How does the idea of "green pastures" represent God's provision and what does "He makes me lie down" signify regarding rest and security? 

「青草地」這個概念如何代表神的供應? 「祂使我躺臥」對於休息和安全意味著什麼?

3. Explain the meaning of "still waters" and how it connects to the concept of peace and tranquility in God's presence. 解釋「靜水」的意義以及它如何與上帝面前的和平與安寧的概念連結。 

4. What does "He restores my soul" imply about God's ability to heal and renew our spirits, even in difficult times?


5. Considering the context of a shepherd guiding his sheep, how does "He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name sake" demonstrate God's active guidance in our lives?


If time permits, read the rest of Psalm 23 and talk about what it means to have God as your Shepherd.

若時間允許,請閱讀詩篇 23 篇的其餘部分,並談論以神為您的牧者意味著什麼。

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