Worship & Testimonies
Based on this past Sunday’s testimonies, here are some questions for small group discussion :
1: One person mentioned that he/she had prayed for the relief of his/her skin condition but no answer came, until at the most unlikely place and unlikely time. When have you experienced something similar in your prayer life?
2: Another shared the verse Jeremiah 29:11, how has this verse been true in your life ?
”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“
3: A person was delivered from his/her 20 years of alcohol addiction ! Do you know of other people who’ve experienced similar deliverance ?
4: The person who experienced the difference from his/her addiction mentioned getting up each morning to spend time with God! Why do you think this spiritual discipline is so important?
5: Can unanswered prayer be a form of protection as the person with the skin allergy rarely got sick until after the allergy was gone ? This also helped him/her to give thanks for having the allergy! What do you think? Do you have a similar experience ?
6: if time permits, share a time when you felt you were used by God to help someone in need and what are some promises that have helped you to overcome dark seasons in your life!
1. 有一個人提到他/她曾祈禱自己的皮膚狀況得到緩解,卻沒有得到回應,直到在最不可能的地點和時間得到醫治。你是否在人生中禱告時經歷過類似的事?
2. 有一個人分享了椰利米書29:11的經文,請問這節經文在你生命中是如何實現的?「耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。」
3. 有一個人擺脫了20年的酒癮!你有認識其他經歷過類似得到釋放的人嗎?
4. 有一個經歷過毒癮的人提到在每天早上起床花時間與神同在所帶來的影響!你認為這種屬靈的紀律如此重要嗎?為什麼?
5. 未得到回應的禱告是否可以是一種保護的形式?因為皮膚過敏的人在過敏消失之前很少生病,並幫助他/她為著自己的過敏感謝神!你對這個經歷的想法為何?你有類似的經驗嗎?
6. 若時間允許,請分享一次你覺得自己有被神使用,來幫助需要的人的精力,並分享有哪些神的應許協助你克服生命中的黑暗時期!