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HOP Small Groups

公開·24 位會員

June 16, 2024 Follow me! 跟從我!John 21:18-25 約翰福音 21:18-25

1: Why did Jesus tell Peter about the future that was awaiting him?


2: Why is suffering and persecution part of the Christian life? Why is the world hostile to followers of Jesus today?


3: What are some reasons that comparison can hinder or rob us of our joy in Christ? 


4: How can you stay focused on following Jesus with the many distractions in life?


5. We each have been given unique gifts and talents, families of origin, and season in life. How can you use any or all of these to follow Jesus?

我們每個人都被賦予了獨特的天賦和才能、原生家庭和人生季節。 您如何利用其中任何一個或所有這些來跟隨耶穌?

If time permits, what does “follow me” mean to you? What are some real-life actions that you can do on a daily basis?

如果時間允許的話,「跟從我」對您來說意味著什麼? 您每天可以做哪些日常生活中的動作來實現?

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