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HOP Small Groups

公開·24 位會員

Kingdom Principles

December 8, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Kingdom Principles

Genesis 2:1-3 & Psalm 95:10-11

Series: Life & Lifestyle

1. What is the significance of God resting on the seventh day? And how does this apply to your life?


2. What is rest?  Was God tired? Why is it difficult for you to rest?


3. Every day that you are given for work is a day you are in partnership with God.  Good rest is the result of good work stopped.  How do these sentences apply to your life?

您投入工作的每一天都是您與神合作的一天。  良好的休息是停止良好工作的結果。  這些句子如何應用在您的生活中?

4. If we err in our heart and do not know God’s ways, will we also not enter His rest? What are some consequences of not being able to enter His rest? How can we rectify this situation?


5. Why was God angry with the Israelites? What can we learn from the Israelites?


If time permits, discuss: God sanctified the seventh day.  What does it mean?  How often do you stop and bless your work? What are some ways to spend the Sabbath celebrating what God has done in your life during the week?

若時間允許,討論:神將第七日定為聖日。  這是什麼意思?  您多久停下來回報您的工作?有哪些方法可以利用安息日來慶祝神在這一週中在您生命中所做的事?

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