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HOP Small Groups

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April 28, 2024 HOP Testimony Sunday

Everyday is Mission Impossible 每天都是不可能的任務

1. How has God helped you to do your job well? How has God helped you so that you can help others?


2. How has the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 been able to carry you through any impossible situations?

馬太福音 6 章的主禱文如何能帶領您度過任何不可能的情況?

Isaiah 55:8-9 以賽亞書55:8-9

3. How many coincidences does it take before you realize that it is the work of God? Please share some experiences from your life.


4. Have you asked God for help and received more than what you asked for? Tell us about it.

您是否向神祈求幫助,並且得到的比您所求的更多?告訴我們吧。Proverbs 3:5 箴言3:5

5. Does it take courage to share the gospel to non-believers? Are there situations where you are afraid to tell people about Jesus Christ? How can you apply Proverbs 3:5 in your daily life?

向非信徒分享福音需要勇氣嗎?您是否在某些情況下害怕告訴別人有關耶穌基督的事?您可以如何在日常生活中應用箴言 3:5?

If time permits, please read over Matthew 6:9-13, Isaiah 55:8-9 and Proverbs 3:5-6, what do these passages have in common? How do they speak to you about the attributes of God?


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