April 7, 2024 Children’s Day
2024 年 4 月 7 日 兒童節
Mark 10: 13-16, John 3: 16-17, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 馬可福音 10:13-16, 約翰福音 3:16-17, 哥林多前書 13:4-7
1. Mark 10:16 says, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” How can we, as grown-ups, maintain our belief in God like a child?
1. 馬可福音10:16說:“我實在告訴你們,凡不像小孩子一樣接受神的國,斷不能進去。”身為成年人,我們怎樣才能像孩子一樣保持對神的信仰呢?
2. In Mark 10: 13-16, Jesus laid His hand on the children. What is the significance of this?
2. 在馬可福音 10:13-16 中,耶穌按手在孩子身上。這有什麼意義呢?
3. Why did the disciples not allow the children to come to Jesus?
3. 為什麼門徒不讓孩子到耶穌那裡去?
4. What are some of the ways to help a not-yet believer to know Jesus?
4. 有哪些方法可以幫助尚未信徒認識耶穌?
5. How can you show love for Jesus in your daily life?
5. 您如何在日常生活中表達對耶穌的愛?
If time permits, look at John 3:16-17 and I Cor. 13:4-7, how have you grown in your love for God and others? What actions can you take this week to show the love described to those around you?
如果時間允許,請參考約翰福音 3:16-17 和哥林多前書 3:16-17。 13:4-7,您對神和他人的愛有怎樣的增長?本週您可以採取哪些行動來向周遭的人表達您所描述的愛?