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HOP Small Groups

公開·24 位會員

October 6, 2024 Gathering and Regathering

聚集,再聚集 Acts 2:42-48 and 18:1-4


Roy Tinklenberg

1. In what ways can worship be more integrated into our community life/work life today?

1. 敬拜可以透過什麼方式更融入我們今天的社區生活/工作生活?

2. How can we as a church body fulfill the goal of market place evangelism?

2. 作為教會的肢體,我們如何實現職場傳福音的目標?

3. Act 2:42-47 gives us a snapshot of life for the believers in the early church. Is this possible in the 21st century with so many distractions and responsibilities?

3. 使徒行傳 2:42-47 向我們展示了早期教會信徒的生活快照。這在 21 世紀有這麼多干擾和責任的情況下可能嗎?

4. What can we learn from the early believers’ example of fellowship?

4. 我們可以從早期信徒團契的榜樣中學到什麼?

5. How do the actions of the early believers challenge our fears or hesitations about sharing the Gospel?

5. 早期信徒的行為如何挑戰我們對分享福音的恐懼或猶豫?

If time permits, discuss and pray about people in your work places with whom you can start to have a prayer group!


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