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Trust and Confidence

November 10, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Trust and Confidence 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Philippians 4:13

Series: Principles of Faith

2024 年 11 月 10 日 


箴言 3:5-6 腓立比書 4:13 


1. What does it mean to “trust in the Lord with all your heart”? Are there specific areas of your life where trusting God is harder than others?


2. How often do you lean on your own understanding?  Why do you think we’re encouraged not to “lean on our own understanding”?  How does relying on our own understanding affect our relationship with God?

2. 您依賴自己的理解的時候多嗎? 您認為為什麼我們被鼓勵不要「依靠自己的理解」? 依靠我們自己的理解如何影響我們與神的關係?

3. How can we practically apply the phrase “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”?

3. 我們如何實際應用「我靠著加給我力量的基督凡事都能做」這句話?

4. Can you share a time when you felt strengthened by God in a situation you didn’t think you could handle? What impact did this experience have on your faith?

4. 您能分享一次在你認為自己無法應付的情況下感到上帝賜給您力量的經驗嗎?這段經歷對您的信仰有什麼影響?

5. What does it mean for God to direct our paths and how can we be open to His guidance?  Have you taken a leap of faith lately?

5. 神指引我們的道路意味著什麼,甚至聆聽祂的指導?您最近有踏出信心的那一步嗎?

If time permits, read 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 and talk about how this passage applies to your life!

若時間允許,請閱讀哥林多後書 12:9-10,並談談這段經文如何應用在您的生活中!

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