June 2. 2024 Friends, Haven’t You Any Fish? 小子,你們要吃的沒有?John 21:1-14 約翰福音21:1-14
1: When people feel lost and are faced with uncertainties, they often go back to something familiar. Have you ever done this?
2: Life can be unfruitful without the Lord’s help. How does the miraculous catch of fish illustrate Jesus’ power? How often do you rely on your own strength to achieve something? What was the result?
3: How do you feel about Jesus' question, “You do not have any fish, do you?” Have you ever experienced a time when Jesus have asked you something that might seem very obvious?
4: What does Jesus’ preparation of breakfast for His disciples say about His care for them and for you?
5: Have you ever 'counted fish' to distract you from facing something or someone?
If time permits, find the other two encounters the disciples had with Jesus. Read them together. What is the Holy Spirit putting upon your heart? Share your insights with others in your group.