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HOP Small Groups

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Appreciation & Worship

December 22, 2024

Pastor James Yu

Appreciation & Worship

Hebrews 4:6-11, Romas 14:5-9

Series: Life & Lifestyle, Kingdom Principles -Series

1. From the sermon, how would you explain the relationship between rest (Sabbath) and worship?



2. How does the Hebrew word “Avodah” link work, worship, and service?



3. What are your key takeaways from the Biblical passages of Genesis 2:3 and Romans 14:5-9?

您從創世記 2:3 和羅馬書 14:5-9 的聖經經文中得到的主要收穫是什麼?


4. How did the poem “Footprints in the Sand” speak to you about your relationship with God?



5. What role does balance between work and life play in achieving a life of worship?


If time permits, read Hebrews 4:6-11 and consider what God is calling you to do TODAY?

若時間允許,請讀希伯來書 4:6-11,並思考神今天呼召您做什麼?

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