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HOP Small Groups

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April 14, 2024 Woman, why are you crying?

婦人,妳為什麼哭?John 20: 11-18; Matthew 6: 19-34

約翰福音 20:11-18; 馬太福音 6:19-34

1. Mary Magdalena did not run away at the sight of two angels in the tomb! What would have been your reaction if you saw this?


2. What “emptiness/ regrets” do you have in your heart? What past memories do you keep looking at that prevent you from having the correct focus?


3. Jesus asked Mary to stop clinging to Him! If you have the correct focus, what do you think you should be doing?


4. What spiritual blindness do you have that is keeping you from seeing God’s work in your life?


5. What two things did Jesus ask Mary to do according to verse 17? How does this verse apply to your life?

根據第 17 節,耶穌要馬利亞做哪兩件事?這節經文如何應用在您的生活中?

**If time permits, read Matthew 6:19-34! Recap what Pastor James said about the meaning of verse 33. How does this passage apply to your current situation?

若時間允許,請讀馬太福音 6:19-34!回顧余牧師所說的第 33 節的含義。此經文如何適用於您目前的情況?

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