May 5, 2024 HOP Retreat 退休會
John 20:10-23 Receive the Holy Spirit 領受聖靈
1: What are some of the things we try to do to have peace?
2: How is Jesus’ peace different from the world’s peace?
3: What helps you to focus on Jesus and rejoice in the Lord?
4: What stood out to you in this passage? What helps you to love and trust in Jesus?
5: In the Spirit we have authority and power. How is this true in your life?
If time permits -
We are doing a prayer walk and bike on May 25th, Saturday. Based on this passage, how can we pray for people? How can we pray with authority and power?
5 月 25 日星期六,我們將進行步行祈禱和騎自行車活動。根據這段經文,我們可以如何為人禱告?我們要如何帶著權柄和能力來禱告呢?