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Sept 9th, 2024 "Kingdom Perspective-Stewardship" 國度觀-管家觀 Luke 12:13-34 路加福音 12:13–34

1. According to Luke 12:13-15, how does a desire for more possessions reveal the condition of our hearts, and what impact does this have on our relationships and stewardship?

1. 根據路加福音 12:13-15,對更多擁有的渴望如何揭示我們內心的狀況,以及影響我們的人際關係和管理事物的方式?

2. How does the perspective of work in Luke 12:16-19 (where it’s seen as a means to secure a comfortable future) differ from the view in Luke 12:20-21 (where work is meant to honor

God and bless others)?

2. 路加福音 12:16-19 中的工作觀(工作被視為確保舒適未來的一種手段)與路加福音 12:20-21 中的觀點(工作是為了榮耀上帝並造福於他人) 有所不同?

3. In Luke 12:22-26, Jesus teaches that life is not about survival and appearance. How can this understanding affect our approach to managing our resources and reducing anxiety about our needs?

3. 在路加福音 12:22-26 中,耶穌教導說,生命不在於生存和外表。這種理解如何影響我們管理資源和減少對需求的焦慮的方法?

4. Luke 12:32-34 emphasizes choosing faith over possessions. How can setting our hearts on the Kingdom of God and His righteousness influence our daily decisions and sense of contentment?

4. 路加福音 12:32-34 強調選擇信心而非擁有。將我們的心放在神的國和祂的公義上會如何影響我們的日常決定和滿足感?

5. How can the principles of stewardship from Luke 12:13-34—character care, creation care, and relationship care—transform our approach to wealth and possessions in our lives today?

5. 路加福音 12:13-34 中的管家原則—品格管理、創造管理和關係管理—如何改變我們今天生活中對待財富和擁有的方式?

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