March 31, 2024 Resurrection Sunday 復活主日
The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus 耶穌的埋葬與復活 John 約翰福音19:38-20:10
1: Why did Nicodemus and Joseph treat the body of Jesus like he was a king?
2: What motivated Nicodemus to be so extravagant and generous?
3: Have you ever made changes in your life because of the passing of someone close to you?
4: Mary of Magdalena went to “visit” Jesus at the tomb. She went while it was still dark. What was the purpose of her visit?
5: Why do you think John included the details about Jesus’ head linen rolled up in a place by itself?
If time permits, look at John 11:25 - ”Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies,“
How does this verse affect you in light of the message from John 19:38-20:10?
根據約翰福音 19:38-20:10 的信息,這節經文對您有何影響?