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HOP Small Groups

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September 15, 2024 Kingdom Matters 國度觀

Matthew 6:25-34 馬太福音 6:25-34

1. What do you think are some of the side effects of worrying?

1. 您認為擔憂會帶來哪些副作用?

2. Worry reveals something about our hearts. When you worry and become anxious, where are you placing your trust?

2.憂慮揭示了我們內心的一些事。 當您擔心、焦慮時,您把信任寄託在哪裡?

Sept 9th, 2024 "Kingdom Perspective-Stewardship" 國度觀-管家觀 Luke 12:13-34 路加福音 12:13–34

1. According to Luke 12:13-15, how does a desire for more possessions reveal the condition of our hearts, and what impact does this have on our relationships and stewardship?

1. 根據路加福音 12:13-15,對更多擁有的渴望如何揭示我們內心的狀況,以及影響我們的人際關係和管理事物的方式?

2. How does the perspective of work in Luke 12:16-19 (where it’s seen as a means to secure a comfortable future) differ from the view in Luke 12:20-21 (where work is meant to honor

God and bless others)?

2. 路加福音 12:16-19 中的工作觀(工作被視為確保舒適未來的一種手段)與路加福音 12:20-21 中的觀點(工作是為了榮耀上帝並造福於他人) 有所不同?


September 1, 2024 Pastor James Yu

The Earth Is His Domain 地是祂的領域, Ephesians 6:12 以弗所書 6:12

1. How can we recognize and navigate the differences between the natural challenges we face daily (like work stress or relationship issues) and the spiritual aspects of our lives (such as seeking guidance through prayer)?

1. 我們如何認知和應對日常面臨自然界的挑戰(如工作壓力或人際關係問題)與生活中屬靈方面(如透過祈禱尋求指導)之間的差異?

2. In what ways can expanding the circle of our influence within our own communities or workplaces affect our circle of concern?

2. 我們可以透過哪些方式擴大自己在社區或工作場所中的影響圈來影響我們的關注圈?

August 9th, 2024 Not What You Think 上帝想的跟你不一樣 2 Kings 5:1-16 列王記下 5:1-16, Guest Speaker Benjamin Chen

1. How has God revealed His greatness to you in moments when you've felt small or inadequate?

1. 當您感到自己渺小或不足時,神如何向您顯明祂的偉大?

2. When Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan River to be healed, it seemed illogical and beneath him. In what ways has God called you to be obedient in ways that didn’t initially make sense to you? How did you respond, and what was the outcome?

2. 當乃縵被告知去約旦河沐浴才能痊癒時,這似乎不合邏輯,也讓您覺得不合常理。神以哪些方式呼召你順服,而您一開始並沒有意識到這一點?您如何回應,結果如何?

3. Naaman’s pride almost kept him from receiving God’s healing. How does this story challenge you to examine areas of pride in your life that may be hindering your relationship with God? What steps can you take to humble yourself and be more receptive to God’s guidance?


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