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Lovely A.

A Day of Rest

Each year around the month of November, Alan and I sit down and set goals. We have individual goals, couple goals, and family goals. We also have a verse or passage of focus. Last November, I was feeling quite 'weary' and 'heavy laden'. And the Lord strongly prompted me towards Sabbath Keeping. I mulled over verses regarding this 'concept'. I couldn't see how I could possibly set aside a 24 hour period of "Sabbath Rest" with the care of my Mom. For me, having to change a diaper was not restful. And I didn't want to be legalistic about this gift from God. I prayed and asked God to show me. I want to keep a Sabbath, but didn't know how it could be possible.

Eleven months later, I've come to the end of 2023. And Sabbath Keeping, like having a daily early morning time with Jesus, has revived my walk and relationship with God and others. What has the Lord led me to do starting in January of 2023? I set aside 7 hours every Thursday, from when my Mom leaves in the van to when she returns. Those hours are so precious. I read. I rest. I realign my focus. He is the Vine. I am the branch. Life flows from Him in and through me. Without Him, I can do nothing. I can testify that weariness has melted over these past 11 months. There still are so many tasks and obligations on my plate, but my heart and soul and spirit and body have been refreshed! Life is no longer pelting me down like a thunderstorm. Instead, the fresh breath of God, the flow from the Vine, has restored me from within.

Ezekiel 20:11-12 says, 11 I gave them my statutes and made known to them my rules, by which, if a person does them, he shall live. 12 Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths, as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them.

God gave us a Sabbath as a sign so that we might know that He is the Lord and the One who sanctifies us. I've been a believer for almost 50 years and only now, have I discovered the beauty of His gift of Sabbath Keeping. Perhaps it's time for you to consider unwrapping this gift, especially in this Advent Season!

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Dec 01, 2023

Amen! ⛄️

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