Jesus prays for His disciples 1/3 - John 17:6-12
1. What was the main thrust of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:6-12? 約翰福音 17:6-12 中耶穌禱告的主旨是什麼?
2. How does your sense of identity and belongingness affect your values? Or change your daily life? 您的認同感和歸屬感如何影響您的價值觀?或改變您的日常生活?
3. What is Jesus’ main concern after He leaves this world? 耶穌離開這個世界後最關心的是什麼?
4. What does this passage reveal about all that Jesus does for God’s people? 關於耶穌為上帝子民所做的一切,這段經文揭示了什麼?
5. How can this passage give you hope in following Him? 這段經文如何帶給您希望?
Extra Quesion~ If time permits, study Hebrews 6. What has the Holy Spirit taught you about your salvation through this chapter? 附加問題~如果時間允許,請讀希伯來書第6章。透過這一章,關於神對您的救恩聖靈教導了您什麼?