Instruction & Bible Reading
December 1, 2024
Pastor James Yu
Instruction & Bible Reading
II Timothy 3: 1-9 & 10-17
Series: Life & Lifestyle
1. What persecutions and sufferings does Paul mention, and what role do they play in his life?
2. According to Paul, what will happen to all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus?
3. What is the described progression of evil people and impostors in the last days? How can we stay alert to the imposters’ deceptions in our daily life?
4. What are some practical ways to “continue in what you have learned and become convinced of” as Paul encourages Timothy to do?
5. How does understanding that Scripture is God-breathed influence the way you do Bible study and equip you to withstand the challenges/temptations of the world?
If time permits, give examples of how God’s word has helped you to overcome persecutions and suffering!