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HOP Small Groups

Public·24 members

September 29, 2024 Lessons Along the Way

道路上的課題 John 14:1-6 約翰福音14:1-6

Speaker: Tim Gillette

1. Walking the Camino helped Tim see Jesus as the Way! What is Jesus trying to teach you about the importance of faith, as you walk each day?

1. 走Camino幫助Tim看到耶穌是道路!當您每天行走這個道路時,耶穌試圖教導您什麼關於信心的重要性?

2. What are some ways we can build up trust in God?

2. 我們可以透過哪些方式建立對神的信任?

3. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” What does each of these mean to you personally? How do they affect your daily life or decisions?

3. 耶穌說:“我就是道路、真理、生命。” 這些對您個人來說意味著什麼? 它們如何影響您的日常生活或決定?

4. What is "the Way" for you? And how do you use ‘prayer & praise’ in this walk?

4. 對您來說「道路」是什麼?在這條道路上您是如何使用「禱告和讚美」?

5. What challenges have you faced in the past? What challenges are you facing now? How has Tim’s Sunday talk encouraged you when faced with challenges?


If time permits, consider ways we can encourage each other in this journey as we walk “the Bueno Camino” each day!


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