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HOP Small Groups

Public·24 members

September 1, 2024 Pastor James Yu

The Earth Is His Domain 地是祂的領域, Ephesians 6:12 以弗所書 6:12

1. How can we recognize and navigate the differences between the natural challenges we face daily (like work stress or relationship issues) and the spiritual aspects of our lives (such as seeking guidance through prayer)?

1. 我們如何認知和應對日常面臨自然界的挑戰(如工作壓力或人際關係問題)與生活中屬靈方面(如透過祈禱尋求指導)之間的差異?

2. In what ways can expanding the circle of our influence within our own communities or workplaces affect our circle of concern?

2. 我們可以透過哪些方式擴大自己在社區或工作場所中的影響圈來影響我們的關注圈?

3. How do the Fruit of the Spirit—such as love, joy, and peace—manifest in everyday interactions with others, and what are some practical ways we can strive to embody these qualities in challenging situations?

3. 聖靈的果子-例如慈愛、喜樂與和平-如何在與他人的日常互動中實現?

4. What are some specific actions that demonstrate living out the Gospel in our daily lives, whether through acts of kindness, speaking out on important issues, or supporting others in their time of need?

4. 無論是透過仁慈的行為、就重要問題站立出來,或在他人有需要時提供支持,有哪些具體行動可以證明我們在日常生活中活出了福音?

5. How can understanding the influence our decisions have on others grow our walk with God?

5. 了解我們的決定對他人的影響可以如何促進我們與神同行?

If time permits, please discuss your thoughts and experiences with the spiritual domain. How can you explain the truth of Ephesians 6:12 to others?

若時間允許,請談談您對屬靈領域的想法和經驗。您如何向別人解釋以弗所書 6:12 的真理?

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