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HOP Small Groups

Public·24 members

Acts of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的作為 - Lovely A.


1. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and He is here with all believers. Where does He live and what is His purpose? 耶穌差遣聖靈,祂與所有信徒同在。他住在哪裡,他的目的是什麼?

2. What are the acts of the Holy Spirit when we pray? 當我們禱告時,聖靈有什麼作為?

3. Throughout the Bible, in what ways (forms) has the Holy Spirit revealed Himself? 在整本聖經中,聖靈以什麼方式(形式)顯明自己?

4. According to Jesus, what will happen when the Holy Spirit comes upon His people (See Acts 1:8)? 根據耶穌的說法,當聖靈降臨在祂的子民身上時會發生什麼事(參考使徒行傳 1:8)?

5. How have you experienced the Holy Spirit in your life both short and long term? 在你的生命中,無論是短期或長期,你是如何經歷聖靈的?

Extra: if time permits, please read and discuss together I Corinthians 2. What do you learn about the Holy Spirit through this chapter ? 補充:如果時間允許,請一起閱讀並討論哥林多前書 2. 透過這一章,你對聖靈學到了什麼?

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