Sunday Service 主日聚會 March 10, 2024
The Arrest of Jesus 耶穌被捕
John 18: 1-14 約翰福音 18:1-14
1. Have you ever faced an insurmountable number of ‘attacks’ like Jesus in John 18:1-14, when Roman cohort, commanders and officers of the Jews came to arrest Him?
1. 您是否曾面臨過像 約翰福音 18:1-14 中羅馬軍隊、猶太人的指揮官和軍官來逮捕耶穌,如此難以克服的“攻擊”呢?
2. Simon Peter defended Jesus and cut off a servant’s ear! How did Jesus react to this and why?
2. 當西門彼得為了保護耶穌而割下了一位僕人的耳朵!耶穌對此有何反應?為何有這樣的反應?
3. Why was Jewish officers and Roman cohort involved in the arrest of Jesus?
3. 為什麼猶太軍官和羅馬同夥要逮捕耶穌?
4. Do you know your destiny? Do you know your mission ? Has the two converged so that you can walk and live in as well as pray with authority?
4. 您知道自己的命運嗎?您知道自己的使命嗎?兩者是否已匯合,使您能帶著權柄行走、生活、禱告呢?
5. How difficult is it for you to surrender? When has humbling yourself brought the greatest good?
5. 投降對您來說有多困難?什麼時候謙卑自己會帶來最大的好處?
If time permits, please read over the other Gospel accounts of the arrest of Jesus! What other details can you add to John’s account?
A Roman cohort is a big Group of heavily armed soldiers. 600 soldiers in total. Torben