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HOP Small Groups

Public·24 members

October 20, 2024 Dr. Frank Dennis 潭醫師 Working together with God 與神同工

2 Cor. 6:1 哥後 6:1

1. In your opinion, is there anything better than believing in Christ?

1. 在您看來,還有什麼比相信基督更好的事嗎?

2. Have you experienced God working in bringing things about through a series of ‘coincidences’?


3. In what areas of your life do you feel challenged to work alongside God? How can you be more involved in God’s work in your community or church?

3. 在您生活的哪些方面,您覺得與上帝一起工作面臨挑戰? 您怎樣才能更參與上帝在您的社區或教會中的工作?

4. How does the verse Ephesians 2:10 apply to your life?

4. 以弗所書 2:10 這節經文如何應用在您的生活中?

5. Can your God-given talents help those around you to know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior?

5. 神給你的才能可以幫助您周圍的人認識並接受耶穌基督為他們個人的救主嗎?

If time permits: 如果時間允許:

Discuss your willingness to pray, ‘God whatever you tell me to do, I will follow and obey’!


Dr. Dennis shared that God’s grace was sufficient for him. In what ways has God demonstrated that His grace is sufficient in your life today?

潭醫生分享說,神的恩典夠他用的。 神以什麼方式表示祂的恩典夠您今天的生活用的?

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