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HOP Small Groups

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Fruit-full Faith-filled Stewardship

November 17, 2024

Speaker Lovely Alagata 

Fruit-full Faith-filled Stewardship

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Series: Life Series

1. What do the different types of soil represent in this parable, and why do you think Jesus used this imagery to describe people’s responses to the gospel?

1. 這個比喻中不同類型的土壤代表什麼?您認為耶穌為什麼要用這個比喻來描述人們對福音的反應?

2. Reflect on the four responses to the word of God described in the parable. Which type of soil do you feel most closely reflects your own spiritual life at the moment? Why?

2. 思考比喻中所描述的四種對神話語的回應。您覺得哪一種土壤最能體現您此刻的屬靈生活?為什麼?

3. Jesus talks about seeds that fall on rocky places, where the plant springs up quickly but has no deep root. Reflecting on this sermon and the past few sermons, what are some ways you can develop deeper roots in your faith to endure challenges?

3. 耶穌談到落在石頭的種子,植物很快就會發芽,但根部不深。反思這次講道和過去的幾次講道,有哪些方法可以讓您的信仰紮根更深,以承受挑戰?

4. Jesus describes the thorny soil as people who hear the word but are choked by worries of the world or the deceitfulness of wealth. How can you guard against these “thorns” in your life?

4. 耶穌將荊棘之地描述為人們聽到了道,卻被世界的憂慮或財富的欺騙所窒息。如何防範生活中的這些「荊棘」?

5. The seed that fell on good soil yielded a crop “a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown”. One way mentioned is to be active doers of the word instead of hearers only! What steps can you take to cultivate this in your life?

5. 落在沃土上的種子所結出的果實「是播種的一百、六十或三十倍」。提到的一種方法是成為這個詞的積極實踐者,而不僅僅是聽道而去行道!您可以採取哪些步驟在生活中培養這一點?

In time permits, discuss and share some personal goals that will help you to deepen the kingdom stewardship mindset in 2025!

在時間允許的情況下,討論和分享一些個人目標,這將有助於您在 2025 年加深國度管家觀的思維!

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