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Your church family in Neihu, Taipei


House of Praise

HOP is a community of followers of Christ based in Neihu, Taipei. Through discipleship relationships, we challenge and encourage each other to daily encounter the presence of God and to abide in Jesus.

We gather each Sunday at 4PM to worship, receive God's Word, share and pray together. Children can attend Sunday School, where they learn teachings from the bible, sing praises, pray and have lots of fun! At the end of each service, love feast is provided to take home or enjoy in the lobby. Our Sunday Service is offered in both English and Chinese!

During the week, prayer groups, small groups, and discipleship groups are all available. We also have Youth Fellowship and Family Outings. We invite you to join the HOP family!



  • Sep 14, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
    HOP 2F 讚美之家 2樓, 114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 1, Kangning Rd, 128號2樓
    你是不是想找到練習英文的地方但又不想壓力太大? 又或是因為日常的瑣事所淹沒而很少認識新的朋友? English Social Night 是一個讓大家可以用輕鬆的方式練習英文及認識新朋友的活動,在這個活動我們會有不同主題讓大家在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中練習用英語、跳出同溫層結交新朋友,趕快來參加 English Social Night,讓我們開啟一段充滿驚喜的交流之夜吧!
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